1 – 2 – 1 Solutions has a unique and effective way of managing alcohol or drug dependence.
Believe strongly in an individual approach where by assessing your history, you habits and your conditioning we can identify what is causing your issues and then we find an invdiual, bespoke way of helping you manage the negative behaviour.
Detox and maintenance through Autogenic Training (AT)
A brain directed therapy
Rebalance the autonomic nervous system
Encourages relaxation and stress management through release of endorphins and balancing of Adrenaline
Memory reconsolidation, behavioural and dynamic approachs are used to help you correct your behaviours and habits
Look at fundamental issues related to addictive behaviour
Physiological effects
Psychological effects
Life planning
Quick no nonsense approach to fit in with an active schedule
Looking at detox
Family history
Full medical
Intensive day programmeswhere needed
Beautiful quiet venue
All the building blocks put in place
One to one sessions
Maintenance and Planning
Further year long support
Support organised in town of abode
Use of AT in daily life
Regular medical check ups
Regular re-planning and adjustment of life plan